
Go on Home British Soldiers

최근 수정 시각 : 2023-01-23 17:04:38 | 조회수 : 48

Go on Home British Soldiers는 아일랜드의 독립운동 관련 민중가요이다. 이런 노래를 Rebel Song이라고 한다. IRA는 1969년 이래 북아일랜드에 주재하고 있는 영국군을 대상으로 테러활동을 전개하였는데 그때 이후 나온 노래이다. 아일랜드의 민족주의 성향 밴드 더 울프 톤스의 2004년 앨범 The Troubles에 수록되었다.


1. 가사
2. 영상

1. 가사

Go on home British soldiers, go on home
Have you got no fucking homes of your own
For 800 years we've fought you without fear
And we'll fight you for 800 more

If you stay British soldiers, if you stay
You'll never ever beat the IRA
For the 14 men in Derry
Are the last that you will bury
So take a tip, and leave us bloody be

So go on home British Soldiers, go on home
Have you got no fucking homes of your own
For 800 years we've fought you without fear
And we will fight you for 800 more

We're not British, we're not Saxon, we're not English
We're Irish and proud we are to be
So fuck your Union Jack, we want our country back
We want to see old Ireland free once more

So go on home British soldiers, go on home
Have you got no fucking homes of your own
For 800 years we've fought you without fear
And we will fight you for 800 more

We'll fight them British soldiers for the cause
We'll never bow to soldiers because
Troughout our history, we were born to be free
So get out British bastards leave us be

So go on home British soldiers, go on home
Have you got no fucking homes of your own
For 800 years we've fought you without fear
And we will fight you for 800 more

Go on home British soldiers, go on home
Have you got no fucking homes of your own
For 800 years we've fought you without fear
And we will fight you for 800 more

2. 영상